Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Inspiration: January Jones in X-Men: First Class

Only a cold bitch like Emma Frost
wears so much white during the summer... I love it.

My obsession with white is apparently unstoppable.  

Ever since I saw X-Men: First Class (2011) for the first time, I have been somewhat obsessed with Emma Frost's wardrobe. This obsession is largely to due three key elements: a) Emma Frost is January Jones, b) Emma Frost has 60's style, c) Emma Frost only wears white.

I wish I was Emma Frost. Even her name is stylish.

She is the only person, real or imaginary, who can pull off the ice queen-look through summer attire. Now, I am well aware that I am nowhere near as cool (ha-ha) as Emma Frost, but I have to try at least.

In order to (attempt to) pull off this specific look, I shall require:

- White knee-length go-go boots.
- Several white dresses and skirts (already on my shopping list).
- A white furry hat.
- A white cape.
- White lingerie.
- Telekinetic powers.

Actually, forget that. Who needs powers with this kind of wardrobe?

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